Wednesday, December 19, 2012


 In the post on Tom and Jerry, I used "lolcat" speak towards the end. Locat is an artificial language, transliterated from English, that depicts how cats might speak if they could actually speak English. Understand English, that is obvious. Speaking English, well, not even the most ardent kitteh fan will admit that cats can speak English. But if they could...

...they would probably like cheeseburgers and routinely demand them from their humans. At least they do in one of the vehicles by which cats have exerted their rightful dominance over the Internet.

"icanhazcheezburger"is the signature saying from the site of the same name. Featuring cute pictures of cats, er, I mean "kittehs," the site has been an Internet rage for a good number of years.

Get your cheezburger gifts and products here!!!


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